Friday, October 02, 2009

The Disposition Effect: A Secret Mythology of Common Men and Women in Endless Acts

Act 1 Scene 1

Bare stage. Almost. The backdrop and stage floor are constructed out of partially rusted metal sheets. Dim light, slight hue of blue, and a bit of amber. Y sits LSR on the stage-floor. He is whipping himself at a steady pace, letting out a yelp every now and then. X is standing slightly to the left of center-stage.

X: Why do you hit yourself?

Y: To stop thinking

X: Thinking about what?

Y: The shadows

X: The shadows?

Y: Yes. The shadows.

X: Well, it's a bit annoying.

Y: Yes, I know.

X: So will you stop it then?

Y: I'll stop when I stop thinking.

X: For god's sake...

Y: You are free to leave.

X: Am I? Seems unlikely.

[Y stops for a while, thinks, and begins the whipping again.]

X: Hey, hey, stop. STOP!

[Y stops]

Let's try and have a conversation. Since we are both here. And stuck. Apparently. Let's be fair. To both of us.

Y: Fine


Y: Well?

X: Hmm?

Y: What do you want to talk about?

X: I don't know. Ask me a question.


Y: What's your name?

X: [thinks for a while] That's odd. I can't seem to remember. My... [drifts]

Y: And he wants to have a conversation!

[resumes whipping]

X: Whoa! Wait, wait. STOP! [Y stops]

Y: What?

X: Can't you find something else to do? Less ...macabre?

Y: [looks about the stage and turns to face X] You want me to whip you?

X: [stepping back] NO!

Y: Well?

X: I don't know! Of all the people in the world I had to get stuck in this hell hole with you!

Y: It's not so bad.

X: You'd say. You are not the one being forced to bear witness to some deranged self-abuse!

Y: 'Is that a euphemism?' she used to say. Every now and then.

X: who did?

Y: And it is too. Masturbation.

X: Eh?

Y: [looking at X pointedly] Self Abuse. Euphemism. For masturbation.

X: Right.

Y: Mas-tur-ba-tion...

X: Who is she?

Y: Who?

X: The one who speaks in euphemisms. Every now and then.

Y: speaks of euphemisms

X: Sorry. Speaks of euphemisms.

Y: Used to.

X: I'm sorry. Is she dead?

Y: I don't know. Don't be sorry.

[long pause]

Y: She left without a trace. Without a trace. Evaporated. As if she was never there. Well, almost!

X: Almost? The shadows?

Y: [nods] on the walls. Like clouds. Flickering. Like love.

X: Love?

Y: Yes, you know, love?

X: Yes I think I know a few things about that. I'd say. I've had some women. I remember one particularly well. Every now and then. What a pussy!

Y: Pussy?

X: Juicy as hell. I get a hard on just thinking. Look!

Y: Strange what thinking can do, eh?

X: mmmm what a slut!

Y: [looking at X] And what of the eyes?

X The eyes?

Y: I remember her eyes. Her eyes like waves through the mist. At twilight.

[pause, X breaks silence suddenly with a grin]

X: The way she rode! My cock deep inside. All ten inches of it. Dripping.

Y: And her lips. Parted. Slightly. When asleep. She slept. In my arms. So beautifully. In my arms. Such peace! I'd stay awake all night just to watch her.

X: I'd come in her mouth. Her throat even. And she'd take it all in. Swallow it all. To the last drop. Suck me dry. [looks about] Excuse me... I must...

[He goes sits in a corner and begins to masturbate, progressively faster. Y resumes whipping himself, progressively harder. They both reach a climax. Y screams with a final, brutal shot, while X lets out a groan of satisfaction.]

X: Ah! Good even for a jerk. What a gal.

[He gets up and spots Y crouched over, his back bleeding. X rushes towards Y]

X: Holy fuck! You alright?

Y: I am fine! Don't touch me!

X: Jesus! You are a weird one, aren't you? No wonder she left! Where did you get that whip anyway?

Y: I don't know. Usually it's a belt. My belt.

X: Jesus! You are a weird one, aren't you? No wonder she left!

Y: You just that.

X Said what?

Y: Jesus! You are a weird one, aren't you? No wonder she left!

X: Oh, did I?

Y: Yes.

X: Well, you see it's been happening for a while now. It's the newspapers.

Y: The newspapers?

X: The faces, the black faces. In muck. In muck! You know what I mean?

Y: I haven't a clue.

X: Well, never mind then.


Y: Where do you think we are?

X: In a dream.

Y: A dream?

X: Well alright, a nightmare if you will.

Y: But whose dream?

X: That's not important.

Y: [gets up, excited.] But it is important. Don't you see? That will decide which one of us is real!

X: Real?

Y: Yes. Real! [whips himself] Like I feel. See the blood? I am real.

X: And what does that make me?

Y: A character in my dream.

X: Or nightmare.

Y: Or nightmare.


Y: Don't look so sad though. Whoever said bleeding was real? Perhaps we are all dreaming. Perhaps it's all just blackholes and revelations.



M said...

I just read this.


rayika said...

I love.