Wednesday, December 13, 2006


To look back daysweeksmonths later without a slight heartfelt pause to smell the brightred again and desperately clutch at the last remnants of the songsinthedistance and ending endlessly so not to lose sight of the horizon dreaming of rising above and into the bright midnight the soft spotlight and to exit after cryinginthehead and then backinthecity sufficiently but unwoken holding on to the lostness and sighs and shadows till dawn comes and then smiling for the sake of silence secretly swirling dustlike in the sunshine waiting for starlight to try again to rise above to be backinthecity sufficiently under the spotlight into the greatwide of the midnight of freelove voiceseyescomets to reach out and runrunrun into the distance beyond the songs and pauses and brightreds and endless ends till nothing can catchmeifitcan.


D'yer Mak'er said...

it's been so long... n' why-oh-why will the ends start again? i tend to forget my lifelessness even when someone comes n' asks me the way. confusion holds my last breath... unknown to my senses yet.. shall i rush in.. or shall i rush out?

n' it's been so long... people don't write long sentences anymore. n' know.. i don't. if they rely on fullstops more in their sentences than in their lives. but fullstops are inducin'. sometimes livin' in a sentence... they can halt our lives. maybe it did.

it's been so long since i felt like writin' on someone's blog. it's really been so long....

p.s. keep the flame alive! what you write is... **sigh!**

Sikan DeRouge said...

Why thank you D'yer mak'er... I'm flattered...
And don't sigh so... here's hoping the years to come bring you unrest rather than complacency...

Anonymous said...

Eh you AbsolutLilywhite, post.

D'yer Mak'er said...

it's been a while...

D'yer Mak'er said...

Sudden rain
Smell of oiloncanvas
And the patch of white love on the back of your neck.

"The redness of my love has made me red"

But the nightwind is easy to forget
When the sun begins to melt into the sky
Unmasked then, moments die unfinished.

"You're too mad for me, and your hair too wild." often my thoughts i philander with.. the ones i can hardly own or claim. walkin' down the causeway of my would-have-beens.. i long to trod on the streets i could have. givin' way to the vitory of my memories when i long to take the slumber of my forgetfulness... n' yet again these words linger inside my head... bringin' all my ghosts of yesterday.

p.s. your words were worth the wait.

Ashi said...

Sheepman are you?
riders on the storm naish